
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Christ Like

Today was a beautiful day as we prepared for the teams to
come. Our team is a great blend of personalities. We each have our gifts and
grace among us is well spread out. I saw how everyone worked diligently as they
had their own projects to work on. This moved my heart. The family I work with
have Christ like hearts.  I am amazed how
different we are yet we encourage each other to keep on doing good works
(Galatians 6:9). We do have our moments where we call each other out in the
name of Jesus but for the most part Christ is shining through them.

we welcomed 35 missionaries from all over the nation. I saw how hearts got
excited to spread the heart of Christ with the city of Chicago. Our first night
we talked about listening prayer. Tim (our fearless leader) explained it and
demonstrated the power of Christ’s power. He explained how sin should be
removed before we come to God and listen. We distributed 1 inch x 12 inch boards
to each missionary and asked them to write down their distractions that keep
them from a relationship with Christ. Anything that separates you from a
relationship with Christ is Sin. Tim wrote down SIN on his board and asked us
to chant “Gods Power!” As we chanted as loud as we could and he broke the board
in half with this head! We all were encouraged to see Gods power give Tim the
strength to break the board.

goal everyday is to glorify God. This week our goal as leaders is encourage and
enable worship through all kinds of ministry. In my listening prayer, I always
hear the words: encourage and enable. Through Gods power we are going encourage
and enable our brothers and sisters.