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The Rolling Stones have a line in one of their many amazing songs that says, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” (1969, Let it Bleed).

This last week we didn’t get what we wanted. The fact is you can’t always get what you want. The Rolling Stones got that right and it will always be right.

There tends to be this belief that missionaries always get it right, that sunshine comes out of our pores and everything works out. The truth spoken in the song is just as true for missionaries. We wanted to give the perfect trip and instead ended up with something more like “The Perfect Storm” (movie from 2000).

Despite our plans everything that could go wrong did. As the group worked on the basement they came up against troubles that we never could have anticipated. Running out of supplies, not having the right supplies. The weather acted up and down and up and down.

But there’s the struggle, to have faith that God’s sovereign, that He is bigger and that even though we may feel like failures and have failed, that he will turn them into successes somehow. We’re doing our best to believe the story will play out and God will bless us for our efforts.

Thanks for your prayers and your faith in us as leaders.