During one of our days of ministry, we went to a senior center to do activities. They were so sweet! We did crafts, had conversations and painted nails. To see the smiles on their faces! PRICELESS!!
A group of us went to knock on doors to ask the residents if they needed any help. Some of the youth were nervous to knock on the doors. I challenged them!! I told them to each take a door (including myself). At the same time we all knocked on a door. I saw that one of the youth was scared but was still willing to do the challenge! When a senior opened their door to him, you could see a peace come over him! It was just that easy.
That is just like our walk with the Lord. Sometimes we are afraid to do new things or do things that we can't see before us. We have to TRUST in him. We have to have FAITH in his plan. I got to see the youth experience that during our visit to the nursing home. It was beautiful to see them take up the challenge and go for it.