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Chickpeas, T-Shirts & Hair Dye…

A Day in the Life of a Teenage Missionary…

I started my day off with eating breakfast!! We then had a discussion about what happened the previous day… Then the kids started piling in and hopping on computers,watching t.v ,and just hanging out.

We got ready to go to the playground,but I decided to stay back and learned how to make Lebanese food . We started on the paste with oregano and oil and stirs,then got some pita bread and rolled it out. After we put it in the oven Mrs. Karen and I went to the store and brought back tea. We had lunch and it was time for the craft making part of the day.. we let the kids draw on shirts and they LOVED it.

Hanna then decided that we were going to Millennium park. on our way there we were challenged to talk to people on the train. for some reason I kept sticking out or just didn’t know what to say. After taking pictures of the bean and playing in the crown fountain. We went back to the train and was given the same challenge. I was determined to talk to someone. Finally I saw someone wearing scrubs, her name was Dion. I started talking about nursing school, her life, my life, and just all the things in the nursing field.

Sadly I had to get off the train and now we were ready for the BLOCK PARTY! I decide that this year I was going to do the hair spray . Not knowing that I would have an inch of paint on my hands and tons of kids coming back for more. When kids saw my hands they were just amazed at al the colors, and wanted it on their hands as well. Thankfully I got a break and I got tatted up with my new Best friend Oswaldo.

(Editorial note from BJ…it was not a real tattoo…I love my job and would like to keep it). He got my name and I got his.

There was just one thing I was waiting for before the block party was over … I finally got to see one of my kids that I fell in love with last year. When the block party ended I was just thankful that God allowed Gabby to come and to give me the courage to talk to Dion, and just reminding me to finish strong! I can’t wait to see what he does next .